
{{{Gulp}}} : :: : : :
This was not an easy article for me to write.
I hummed 'n hawed, buzzed, fluttered and teetered (not to mention: PROCRASTINATED) on the peripheral edge of it's controversial, and (likely) divisive content for some time. Sipping my fizzy,well~aged kombucha instead of typing, I sat for a time pondering the inner image of a Salvidor Dali surrealist clock melting down my forehead. I actively wondered when the opportune moment would ripen true for the sculpting of letters into words, for the shaping of conscious sentences, for the breathing of life into authentic paragraphs so that the emergent Truth I embody could be shared, bared and dared forth as the abracadabra capable of opening hearts and minds to entirely new perspectives.
At the inevitable risk of alienating professional peers, esteemed mentors, allies and cohorts in the realms of *sexual healing*, I've come bearing the raw (and partially fermented) fruits of my recent paradigm shift, a shift I'm calling {{ YoU*nity Encoding Services }}, or *Y.E.S.*.
Emerging from a series of synchronistic tumbles down a ONE~derland Rabbit~Hole, my previously *human~centric* views on sexuality, erotic energy and sensory pleasure are now peering through a entirely different lens. Oh yes, I've rocked that formerly nearsighted view of sexual~delight in every position imaginable as an adept orgasmonaut. However, I've recently come eye~to~eye to the Real Mission Position I'm here to make cosmic love in: the reclaiming of our hijacked sexual energy.

But first, a little background narrative.

OooooooooOo La LaAaaaaaa!!!!

We are Mirror~Mysteries of GodSource
Our wondrous biological forms, in all their diverse physical glory, are intricate and sophisticated by divine design. What a mammalian fascination we are! Watery conductors of electrical charge, we are magically wired to receive and transmit infinite pulses of information and sensation. We are the starlit living~libraries of our galactic heritage, the genetic record~keepers of the evolutionary Creation Cycles.
Formed of earth~matter and stardust, we are intended to house God's * Living Light Codes* within us, to fluidly express the free~will, sovereign~heART of Unity~Consciousness in our every relationship. Our YOUniqueness as humans is meant to naturally extend as the creative flow of unconditional Service to one another and to our Beloved Earth, in harmony with all life.
Enter in the "ick and yuck" of the cosmically clandestine exo~political agendas, and the ancient story of our wider galactic history begins to spiral downward into disorienting fragments, semantic wars, star~wars, ego~wars and philosophical incongruity about starseeds, human~hybrids and extra~terrestrial this 'n thats. By no means do I intend to further perpetuate or espouse ungrounded conspiratorial thoughtforms, spirit~polarized hallucinations, or flaky, aggrandized dogmas of how to be a better *purple~person* of the *New Age* when I say that we've been *@!$#~ed with genetically, energetically and spiritually.
Oh yes, we've been *!&@!*`ed with.
In every position imaginable.

Reclaiming Hijacked Sexual Energy
Naked Revelation: this is somewhat uncomfortable for me to write about.
I'm taking a ginormous leap out of an *Indigo~Starseed Identity Matrix Closet*, into a vastly different terrain of expression. Creative Sexuality Coach, Erotic Educator, heARTist, Sonic Alchemyst.....these are all hats I've confidently worn. Newly recruited Earth~Rep. for the Guardian Alliance? Well, THAT sounds like I've been ingesting some freaky forest spores while doing Kundalini head~spins on different nerve~endings altogether. ;0)

Yet, onward we go.
(And pleasepleaseplease integrate and pollinate ONLY THAT which truly resonates with you at this time, while tilling and composting the soils of all that doesn't.)
Negative ET's (yes, they exist....yes, they suck) and their off~planet agendas of manipulation, domination and oppressive control over Humanity's evolutionary awakening is something we've had to contend with for a helluva long time. Most of us have not been adequately (or accurately) educated on the various complexities of galactic interference we've historically endured. Still more of us have a highly romanticized, Spielberg~style ideal of large~headed beings with big, all~seeing eyes who will just reach down, E.T. Rapture~style, and rescue us when the 3~D going gets unbearable enough.
Our sexual energy is a *primary root~gateway/ portal* and immediate vibrational *access~station* to our genetic~code. Our biological reproduction system houses immense erotic potential for Divine~Union activation and for the Bliss~Merging of Masculine~Feminine Polarities. All of these exalted aspects of our human energy~signatures comprise major subtle~energy arteries of our "cosmic" circulatory system.
Negative ET's, (yes, they exist......yes, they suck....on us) perpetuate their corrupted survival missions on multiple timelines. (for reasons I will not be discussing in this article) They have designed highly sophisticated, inorganic programs and structures which cleverly redirect the flow of our erotic vital~energy for their own power~hungry purposes. This is a*Sexual Reversal* Program; deliberate distortion of subtle~energy pathways which have been manipulated as parasitic *feedlines*.
The Loveless ET's (which include, but are not limited to the Nephilim, Dracos, and Reptilian races) harness the unconscious shadow~content of our own disowned, disembodied and fragmented erotic selves. Sexual shame, guilt, pain, addiction and exploitation are their primary fodder. By implanting thought~forms and perpetuating self~sabotaging behaviourial patterns, insatiable hungers and emotional distortions into our 1st and 2nd chakras, the bio~energetic lines of our bodies become infiltrated. These negative reversal lines connect to even larger grids of corrupted energy within the body of our Earth, and are geographically anchored as maligned frequency hubs. These hubs recycle sexual perversions, erotic distortions and addictions to perpetuate *replay scenarios* of sexual violation, exploitation and pain on the planet.
The perspective I'm offering here is not a *popular* one. By no means did I arrive to it alone. (In Heart, I extend infinite gratitude to All my Law~of~One Mentors). It takes the honest inquiry of a surrendered Heart and Higher Mind to {see} beyond our convenient cultural illusions and programmed belief~systems into the more disturbing complexity of such twisted karmic contracts. We must be unwaveringly strong in our commitment to our self~sovereign rights and freedoms if we are to truly reclaim the full~spectrum of our sexual identities.
While the open celebration of our happy and horny pleasures certainly serves to liberate generational shackles of the religious, cultural and political repression of our sexuality, it is unfortunately NOT the panacea for true, embodied erotic healing to occur. It is but one significant point in a highly intricate design.
*Sexual Reversal Patterns* commonly harnessed by Negative Off~Planet Entities:
~lust~hungry sex~drive which does not circulate adequate energy to and from the HeartSpace
~the craving for maximum stimulation in order to *get off*
~the insatiable pursuit of the next lover/ the next sexual escapade
~addiction~based promiscuity (often presenting as *free~love* or *open polyamory*)
~deep~seated and difficult to resolve fear of intimacy and commitment
~most forms of pornography~selfish, instant~gratification urges
~sexual violence, including consensual BDSM experiences which lack true heart~connection
~over~use of toys and e~stim gadgets
~dependency on novelty~based forms of arousal

~co~mingling drugs/entheogens/alcohol~use with sexual gratification
~tireless questing after multiple orgasm, primarily as a habitual *discharge* of pent~up sexual energy
~chronic jealousy, insecurity and irrational fear of abandonment
~repetitious fantasies which involve sexual domination and control
~repression of *anger* which expresses as sexual *heat* and prowess
~erotic co~dependency in personal and professional relationships
~ego~driven, personality~based attachment to the cultivation of one's sexual attractiveness and physical appeal (sexual superficiality, narcissism)
~sex as a primary means of emotional validation
~feelings of guilt and shame toward sex
~inability to engage or sustain *HeartSpace* when having sex
~obsessive kinks and preoccupation with fetishes
~extreme body~modifications (silicone implants, plastic surgery, liposuction)
~long~standing infidelity with patterns of lying/ covering up one's "tracks"...etc.
~chronic low self~esteem, self~sabotaging tendencies which temporarily *lift* when sexually aroused by another, especially when exchanging in flirtatious *root chakra hits*
~unresolved sexual trauma
~unresolved root~chakra trauma (such as childhood abuse, NDE's, extreme financial crisis, parental trauma..etc.)
~pre~occupation with sexual fantasy (which may include rape fantasies)
~having sex when uncomfortable, disinterested, or distracted
~seduction manipulation
~high level of sexual distraction
~inability to creatively/ spiritually redirect excessive sexual charge
~deep fear and resistance of temporary phases of celibacy or abstinence
~inability to be self~gratified when single or alone
~sexual addiction/ dysfunction which poses as *enlightened sex*, *tantra* or *sacred sexuality*
~leaky sexual boundaries, inability to cultivate a container of *sacred space* for true Eros~Merging to occur
~running a lover's distortions through our own Kundalini channels because of the intimate depth of vibrational exchange which occurs during sex. This may manifest as uncharacteristic aggression, disturbed thought~patterns, repulsion, strange dreams, foreign cravings, ungroundedness and ongoing power~struggles in relationship
~consciously (& unconsciously) engaging *sex magic*, ritual, ceremony, energetic seduction/enchantment toward an *object of our desire* as a means of luring someone into a sexual scenario with us. This is breech of Free Will and a violation of Universal Law. It is a direct misuse of power which engages the planetary *Black Magic* grids.And I must add: getting wildly TRIGGERED by the above list and immediately reacting by denying, rejecting and *finger~pointing* outwardly is also a symptom of this reversal matrix.

The more removed and distant our Loving Hearts are when engaged with any of these particular elements, especially the self~chosen pleasure~enhancing ones, the more susceptible our sexual energy is of being hooked by negative etheric implants and the Reversal Grids which harness them. We are ALL affected by this. I've acutely perceived these distortions and implants for some time now, in healing sessions with myself, my clients, my lovers and my peers. I can *see* their foreign structures harnessed in the meridian channels and main chakra centers. Reversal grids are very REAL, and their *24~hour pit~stops* are lodged in our etheric bodies as ruptures, tears, inorganic implants, foreign objects and insect~like shapes (which I've heard coined as *squiddies*). Yeah, all together now: Y~U~C~K!!!!!!

Okay, I know what you're thinking: "Oh no no, not me!"
Well, sorry to burst your Buddha~Bubble here: Yes, you.
And me.
And ALL of us.

We may sincerely believe we're sourcing and empowering our own erotic desires and preferences (for rough sex, for alot of sex, for multiple partners, for role~play..etc.) but may instead be habitually *running* a distorted *sex~slave*program from a *host entity*. There are many such entities circulating about on the astral, and some of us are more sensitive to their presence than others. Once our hijacked orgasms are *harvested* for the vital energy they discharge, they are then energetically redirected toward maligned agendas, much like fuel. This is most likely to occur in *unconscious* forms of sex, *addicted sex*, *exploited or manipulated sex* and sex under any form (however overt or subtle) of emotional, psychological or physical coercion. The parasitic host, which (I'm sorry to say) CAN be sexually transmitted between lovers, may impulse us toward specific wayward urges, dysfunctions, addictive behaviours, base~drives and even sudden attractions to other people who will perpetuate this reversal feedline. So yeah: check you head at the door! ALL of them!
It is particularly important to neutrally observe our low~grade addictions, attitudes and belief structures (the ones that are so ingrained as to be off our conscious radar altogether), our habitual patterns and our repressions/fears/sexual shames and guilt. To disengage from this insidious network of nastiness, awareness is k~e~y. As we dedicate our Hearts and our Sexuality to the GodSource beyond our own personal gratification, we integrate and align with the higher purpose of our sacred desires and our divine pleasures. The Highest purpose of our sexual conjoining is to travel home to the God/dess indwelling in our Beloved. Let's strive to engage this higher purpose.
{{ Sex~positive pleasure }} is but one aspect of a vastly complex experience of in~to~me~see. When our sexual embodiment first emerges as an earth~based expression of the physical mechanics of sex, (arousal, fluid exchange, orgasm and reproduction), it is incredibly limited in scope. It is, literally, just the *entry point*. However, when we reach beyond the instinctual, biological nature of our lower~chakra desires to discover our mutual HighHearts, Higher Minds and Galactic Templates, we spiritually widen into the fractal~field of the One GodSource, LoveSource We Are. Essentially, we are our own Eternal Beloveds, our own Creational Merge of the Sacred Marriage Within, Right Here, Right Now. Always and Forever. First and foremost. No~one is here to complete us. The Divine completes us.
Exploring my own multi~dimensionality for some time now, my knowledge about the High Art and True Medicine of Sacred Sexuality is dramatically changing. Some of it is difficult to articulate at this time, as I continue to integrate the cosmic torrents, cracking open cosmic RAR packages with my inner file wizard, scanning for incoming viruses and spam. However, I believe it's absolutely imperative that we begin N~O~W to (re) claim our self~sovereign rights by taking full ownership of ALL of our sexual~erotic stories. We need to ascend with our sexuality INTACT, elevating it to it's rightful place within in the core of unconditional love and compassionate acceptance, within and without. The Planteray Kundalini IS rising during this time so any unresolved blocks, disruptions and reversals will wreak terrible havoc on us. The Time is Now. Really, it was Yesterday.
Discovering how we may be inadvertently reversing our sexual energy is challenging and brave inner~work. I don't recommend embarking on it alone. Call in your Spiritual Ninjas, your Allies, and Light~Beings. Your Circle of Support. Deep within our denied and disavowed Shadow, there are indeed negative architectures to be dismantled. While many may vehemently disagree with the perspective I'm presenting here, it's one I have come to know as True for MySelf. I've lived it, I'm still learning it, and now I'm sharing it because I CARE ABOUT ALL OF YOU! ♥

I encourage us to be focused and impeccable with our HeartSpace when declaring
*I am God, I am Sovereign, I am Free*. This is a powerfully effective Declaration of Intent which will help us disengage from the Sexual Reversal Matrix. Self~awareness, transparent honesty and a sincere dedication to the embodiment of Truth and Love are also some of the greatest allies we can embrace on this Journey of taking our sexual power back from the planetary Reversal Grids.

, {YOUnity~Encoding Services} is an emerging expression of how I intend to offer my High HeART Service to the Planetary~Galactic healing and reclamation of our creative~sexual essence, as God/dess would have it to be at this crucial Time on Earth. I'll happily share more about this as I continue to align it's Mission Statement and core~content with the tremendous guidance I'm receiving from my Guardian Beloveds.
For now, I'm hermetically sealing my former *Bloomshakti* container, which is now being renovated, upgraded and adjusted to reflect the changes my *work* has undergone. Currently, I am no longer booking individual coaching sessions and am retreating from facilitating community Erotic Education Sessions (for now), much to the status~demise of my self~employment and *IS*ness. It's all being galactically evolutionized. ;0)

And it's not about the *income* here anyway, but about the *outcome*:
I want the outcome to be Full~Spectrum, Multi~D Sexual~Health Integration and Healing. Earth based sexual healing is absolutely crucial and has been the vital launching pad for the galactic piece I am now working consciously with. Honestly, I did not know this was the Path my true *work* as a Sexual Healer was taking me.
This article is intended to bring clarity and renewed purpose to the Vision of comeUnity I wish to endorse at this Time..... in All that I am, All that I do. I know many readers, clients and peers have been wondering *where I've been* and *what I've been up to*.
Weilding the Might of my Love~Light is what I've been up to: from Gaia~Goddess to Galactic Goddess, I am in Service to the One Source as a God~Sovereign and Free Being.

Thank you kindly for your patience, and for your continued support. I've given you alot to munch on. Chew the cosmic cud wisely.
May it Fortify you in All Ways.

...· ´¨¨)) -:¦:-
¸.·´ .·´¨¨))
((¸¸.·´ ..·´ {{Amaya}} -:¦:-
-:¦:- ((¸¸.·´ *And So It Is that the He and the She within You and Me, Become the We of the ONE that We Are*

5 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    Thank you Amaya,
    I knew when I met you there was more to your sexuality education than one would think. Your article really resonated with me. After various sexual experiences in my 26 years (including going from fetish parties to celebrate to being raped) and doing the inner work I have been doing for the past 7 years I realize how much it is all interconnected, on all levels. Thank you so much for downloading this information and writing it so beautifully. I look forward to what you are bringing forth at this critical time (NOW).
    With love! V.

  2. Thank you Amaya,

    Like you, I have been working as a multi dimensional intuitive clearing vast distortions and reversals at this level.
    I love how succinct all of your information is, as well as your own personal clarity and honesty is transparent.
    True intimate love connection is the key for ourselves and then another.
    Thank you for your presence.
    TA MA RA xox

  3. Thank you for encapsulating what I've felt and experienced all my life, especially in the last few years, and especially due to my being a member of the Energetic Synthesis community, and Lisa Renee's outstanding leadership qualities.

    Tim Hanley
    Henderson, NV

  4. boojum Says:

    Beautiful Amaya! *Y.E.S* indeed, now is the time, thankyou :-*

  5. Thank you for your sincere comments, everyone. This article has been circulated far and wide, and read by a diverse, international audience. For the most part, the feedback I've received privately has been affirmative, validating and supportive.

    Some, however, have felt threatened, triggered and dismissive about the content and have made emotionally~charged attempts to deflate it's influence and it's potency. I heartfully acknowledge the full spectrum and varied range of personal experience which influences each person's ability to process this content openly and lucidly.

    My sincere Intention is to Serve Source via the written transmission of multi~dimensional information, not to appease, console or persuade those who are jarred, disturbed or decidedly ignorant about the deeper impacts of these realities.

    It takes immense courage and dedication to *see* yourSelf in these fragments, and a high degree of selfLove to integrate and heal it, so I commend each of you for braving the inquiry. I appreciate you taking the time to read here, and I bless our respective Journey's along the Path of Truth and Liberation for All.

    With Love,
    ...· ´¨¨)) -:¦:-
    ¸.·´ .·´¨¨))
    ((¸¸.·´ ..·´ {{ Amaya }} -:¦:-
    -:¦:- ((¸¸.·´